Thursday, December 15, 2005

'Narnia' Rules Hollywood. . .No Surprise!

C.S. Lewis' classic children's tale "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe" has struck the big screen in a BIG way. It grossed 67.1 million (which puts it just behind the 3rd "Lord of the Rings" but ahead of the other two of the series)and showed what every level-headed person already knows: the best way for Hollywood to make money is to produce movies that support (or at least do not violently offend) the morals of those they wish to fill the seats! Nobody is seeing the gay cowboy movie, but millions are flocking to see Lewis' moral tale. Americans flock to The Passion movie, the Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, etc movies. . .but stay away from the "hot" movies that the left says we are supposed to like.

More along this lines as well from Tammy Bruce. The author and radio host says today's films appeal more to award judges than ticketbuyers and offers some advice for the movie industry "... take your gay sheepherder, noble communist supporting reporters, big-business is evil, Americans are hopelessly and inherently corrupt and violent and unfaithful movies and go to Cannes where at least the Parisian set will love you." See her entire commentary here.

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